Common Terminal Commands.
Last Edit: 27 Dec 2016 | UsefulI tend to forget a lot of this stuff as I don’t use it often (I am not a computer scientist by trade), so here is a list of useful terminal commands. filpath
Copy a file
cp [options] source destination
Options: -f = force, -R = recursive, -v = verbose
Current permissions
ls -l file
Change permissions
chmod value file
Value: 3 digit code for owner, group, all
7 = no restrictions, 6 = read write, 5 = read execute, 4 = read, 0 = no access
Move/change name of file
mv [options] source destination
Options: -f = force, -v = verbose
- Find files and or delete matching a pattern
find . -name "*.bak" -type f find . -name "*.bak" -type f -delete
Find a file or text in a file
grep [options] search_pattern [file_pattern]
grep = general regular expression program
search_pattern = a regular expression or string in
file_pattern = a file or directory or file pattern ex. *.html
Options: -i = ignore case, -r = recursive, -l = just file names, -n = show line number
+many more this site seems to have a pretty complete list with good descriptions
As for Regular expressions there are lots of great resources out there. I may put a post together with the important to me stuff at some point but here are some resources: